Amazing 20,000 SF Mansion For Sale with 60 acre Farm

Departamento de Antioquia - La Pintada
$ 6.500.000.000


  • Valor: $ 6.500.000.000
  • Region: Departamento de Antioquia
  • Localidad: La Pintada
  • 16 Habitaciones
  • 24000 m²


Asking $6,500,000,000 COP = approximately $1,5 million USDLocation Municipality Valparaiso Antioquia Farm CañafistolaOwners 7 natural persons from the same familyAcquisition title Public Deed No 1959 of March 27, 2007 granted by Notary twelve 12 from MedellinReal estate license plate 032 0005111 Medellín Public Registry OfficeCadastral Code 200016000080000000Description House 2,000 meters built Land 42 8 blocks It consists of 16 rooms with a total of 70 beds TV room, terrace, dining room and kitchen It has a swimming pool, Turkish bath and swimming pool Maid&39;s room for 3 people with bathroom included House for butlers with 2 bedrooms, 1 bathroom andkitchen Independent construction for hobbies room or gym Utility room and 2 utility rooms additional360 view including Farallones de la Pintada, Támesis and Santa Bárbaragreat for a hotelPlanted with 300 orange, lemon, tangerine and mango treesTopography Flat area in the location of the house, and mountainous area in the rest of the lotAccess via the Pintada Valparaíso road, 5 km before reaching the townPrivileged view of the FarallonesUbicación:MunicipioValparaiso,Antioquia.FincaCañafistola.Propietarios:7personasnaturalesdeunamismafamiliaTítulodeadquisición:EscrituraPúblicaNo.1959del27deMarzode2007,otorgadaporlaNotariadoce12deMedellín.Matrículainmobiliaria:032–0005111OficinaderegistrospúblicosMedellínCódigoCatastral200016000080000000Descripción:Casa2.000metrosconstruidos.Terreno42.8cuadras.Constade16habitacionesconuntotalde70camas.Saladetelevisión,terraza,comedorycocina.Cuentaconpiscina,turcoybañodepiscina.Cuartodeserviciopara3personasconbañoincluido.Casademayordomoscon2habitaciones,1bañoycocina.Construcciónindependienteparacuartodehobbiesogimnasio.Cuartodeavíosy2cuartosútilesadicionales.Vista360incluyendoFarallonesdelaPintada,TámesisySantaBárbaraIdealparaunhotelSembradacon300arbolesdenaranja,limón,mandarinaymangoTopografía:Áreaplanaenubicacióndecasa,yzonamontañosaenelrestodellote.AccesoporlavíaPintada-Valparaíso,5kmsantesdellegaralpueblo.VistaprivilegiadadelosFarallones Alvaro Mesa


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